Lidewij – The Bubbly Chatterbox

Step into the world of Lidewij, where every sip tells a story and every chat is an adventure! Lidewij is a connoisseur of cocktails and a maestro of mingling, always ready to shake up a delightful drink and stir up a lively conversation.

With a flair for the fabulous and a passion for parties, Lidewij transforms every gathering into a memorable soirée. Her enthusiasm for discovering new flavors and her talent for crafting the perfect cocktail make her the life of any event. Whether she’s mixing a classic mojito or inventing a new concoction, you can bet it’s done with style and a generous splash of fun.

But it’s not just about the drinks. Lidewij loves to chat away, weaving stories and sharing laughter that can light up a room. Her vibrant personality and warm heart make her a magnet for friends old and new, ensuring that there’s never a dull moment when she’s around

Lieve – The Taste Master

Step right up and let us introduce you to Lieve, the ultimate cocktail taste master! With a discerning palate and a flair for the extraordinary, Lieve turns every sip into a sensational experience. Known for her impeccable taste and boundless creativity, she’s the go-to expert for anyone looking to explore the art of mixology.

Lieve’s passion for cocktails goes beyond just mixing drinks; she’s a true artist, crafting each concoction with precision and love. Her extensive knowledge of flavors, spirits, and ingredients allows her to create unique and unforgettable drinks that tantalize the taste buds. From classic cocktails to innovative new blends, Lieve’s creations are nothing short of liquid masterpieces.

But what truly sets Lieve apart is her infectious energy and enthusiasm. Her zest for life is as sparkling as the drinks she crafts, and her lively personality makes every tasting session an adventure. Whether she’s hosting a sophisticated cocktail tasting or simply sharing her latest favorite recipe, Lieve brings joy and excitement to every occasion.


We strive to make every night just that tad more special. We want to offer your cocktails from around the world and its biggest cities to make you feel as if you are living your best life between your own four walls. When are you going to host the next girls night in or even for the boys?