
Caipirinha – Rio

Original price was: € 30,00.Current price is: € 25,99.

To easily mix the famous Caipirinha, our set includes for 2-4 people:

  • Cachaça: The primary spirit, made from fermented sugarcane juice (1 bottle)
  • Lime: Fresh limes are essential for the authentic citrus flavor.
  • Sugar: Granulated sugar to sweeten the drink.
Get shaking!


The Caipirinha is Brazil’s national cocktail and hails from Rio de Janeiro. It is made with cachaça, a spirit distilled from sugarcane juice. The classic recipe includes lime, sugar, and ice. The limes are muddled with sugar to release their juices, creating a sweet and tart base. This mixture is then combined with cachaça and served over ice in a short, sturdy glass. The result is a refreshing, slightly sweet, and citrusy drink that perfectly captures the vibrant spirit of Rio.


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